The Northeast Blackout of 1965 started during rush hour in New York City on this date. Describe what you would do if your community had no power and didn’t know when it would come back on.
“It was a dark and stormy night.” Write the worst opening line to a story that you can imagine.
Marie Curie, born on this date in 1867, discovered radium and died as a result. Describe a discovery you could make that would be worth dying for.
On this date in 1939, the first commercial television station began broadcasting in Schenectady, New York. Explain whether television has been a net positive or net negative for society since then.
“We Americans are the best informed people on earth as to the events of the last twenty-four hours; we are the not the best informed as the events of the last sixty centuries.” -Will Durant, born on this date in 1885. True or false, and does it matter if he’s correct?
“Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” -Will Rogers, born on this date in 1879. Describe a supposedly fun thing you’ll never do again.
If you were given $1 million on the condition that you must donate it anonymously to a charity or stranger, how would you contribute the money?
Think about something you intended to do yesterday, but didn’t. What was it, and why didn’t you do it?