Describe the three most important qualities you want your best friends to have.
Today is Amelia Earhart Day, which celebrates the most famous female airplane pilot of 1920s and 1930s. If you could fly anywhere right now, where would you fly and what would you do when you got there?
“From the errors of other nations, let us learn wisdom.” -Thomas Paine in Common Sense, published on this date in 1776. Describe the most important less you’ve learned from someone else’s mistake.
Write a short story about what you think will be your first job.
Reading teacher Evelyn Wood was born on this date in 1909. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper explaining why it’s important for everyone to learn to read.
Jacques Montgolfier, who with his brother invented the hot air balloon, was born on this date in 1745. Describe what it would be like to ride in a hot air balloon using all your senses except sight.
If you could learn the answer to any question in the world, what would you ask?
Finish this story: Once upon a time, there was a very sad duck.