“Cleverness is not wisdom.” Euripides, who was born on this date in 480 BC. Describe what you think the difference is.
“Water is to me, I confess, a phenomenon which continually awakens new feelings of wonder as often as I view it.” -English scientist Michael Faraday, who was born on this date in 1791. Describe what you see when you look at water.
JRR Tolkien published The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, on this day in 1937. Describe the scariest place you want to visit.
Reading instruction pioneer Rebecca Smith Pollard was born on this date in 1831. Compare how reading makes you feel to how listening to music makes you feel.
Tell a story about the dream you’d like to have tonight.
Samuel Johnson, who wrote the first dictionary, was born on this date in 1709. How would you start a project that requires you to do something no one has ever done before?
On this date in 1787, the US Constitution was signed by a majority of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention. The Constitution is the highest law in the USA — the law on which all other laws are based. If you could write a law that every other laws would be based on, what would that law say?
HA Rey, who with his wife Margret created Curious George, was born on this date in 1898. Write about a time you didn’t pursue your curiosity and what happened to make you wish you had.