Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling
Currently Browsing: Primary Teachers

Primary – October 16

Noah Webster, for whom the famous dictionary is named, was born on this date in 1758. Explain why you think it’s more important to be grammatically correct or to be understood when you’re writing something.

Primary – October 15

“Love conquers all,” according to Virgil, who was born in Italy on this date in the year 70 BCE. Explain why you agree or disagree.

Primary – October 14

“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.” -AA Milne, whose Winnie-the-Pooh was published on this date in 1926. Write about a time that you found out you liked something or someone you thought that you’d hate.

Primary – October 13

Tell a story about a time you were proud of a friend.

Primary – October 12

Christopher Columbus reached what everyone spent a long time calling “the New World” on this date in 1492. If you were to be the first explorer to reach a previously unknown world, what would you do when you got there and why?

Primary – October 11

On this date in 1950, the Federal Communications Commission issued the first license to broadcast television in color. How do you think watching television only in black-and-white images would change the experience?

Primary – October 10

Think about the most important rule to live by in your life. Now explain a situation in which it would be OK for you to break that rule.

Primary – October 9

On this date in 1888, the Washington Monument opened to the public. Describe the monument you would build to recognize your favorite leader.

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