Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling
Currently Browsing: Romance

Romance – January 18

“There is nothing so powerful as truth, and often nothing so strange.” -Daniel Webster, born this date in 1782. Writing prompt: Write the scene in which your protagonist uncovered the strangest truth s/he ever encountered.

Romance – January 17

Eartha Kitt — called by Orson Welles the “most exciting woman in the world” — was born on this date in 1927. Her most famous song: Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist learns that a sugar daddy/momma’s generosity is not as extravagant as your protag has grown to believe it is.

Romance – January 16

“The only interesting answers are those which destroy the questions.” – Susan Sontag, born this date in 1933. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which a person’s answer to your protagonist’s question reveals that your protagonist curiosity was dangerously misplaced.

Romance – January 15

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” -Martin Luther King, Jr., born on this date in 1929. Writing prompt: Write the scene following a scene in which your protagonist expected but did not receive vocal support from a friend.

Romance – January 14

On this date in 1954, Marilyn Monroe married Joe DiMaggio. Although their marriage lasted only nine months, DiMaggio had roses delivered to her crypt a few times a week for 20 years after her death in 1962. Writing prompt: Write the scene of the most pointless romantic gesture ever undertaken by your protagonist.

Romance – January 13

Lorrie Moore was born on this date in 1957. One of her characters decides she was not “given the proper tools to make a real life with.” Writing prompt: Write the scene in which your protagonist confronts her/his mother or father, or both, about the tool your protagonist incorrectly  believes s/he wasn’t given.

Romance – January 12

“Whatever it is you’re seeking won’t come in the form you’re expecting.” -Haruki Murakami, born this date in 1949. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist realizes s/he failed to find what s/he was seeking because it came unexpectedly.

Romance – January 11

Rupert Holmes’ Escape — better known as “the piña colada song” — topped the charts on this date in 1980. Writing prompt: Write a personals ad for your protagonist that does not exceed 60...

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