Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling
Currently Browsing: Mystery

Mystery – March 10

Carlos Ray Norris — better known as Chuck — was born on this date in 1940. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist must confront someone who is at least 50% bigger than your protag.

Mystery – March 9

Mickey Spillane was born on this date in 1918. His hard-boiled character Mike Hammer said in Kiss Her Goodbye, “Guys like you can’t escape the city. Hell, you a got a blood contract with this place. You’re married to the old girl.” Writing prompt: Describe from your protagonist’s point of view a place to which s/he has such a connection.

Mystery – March 8

Neil Postman was born on this date in 1931. Of technology, he said, “The real question is, ‘How should I conduct my life?’ rather than ‘What tools should I use?’ ” Writing prompt: Write a scene in which technology that’s supposed to make life easy gets in the way of achieving a goal.

Mystery – March 7

“To be brave, by definition, one has first to be afraid.” -Robert Harris, born on this date in 1957. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist discovers whether s/he is brave.

Mystery – March 6

District of Columbia politician Marion Barry was born on this date in 1936. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist is put in a compromising situation because of the secret machinations of a corrupt public official.

Mystery – March 5

Maddie Hayes: Wipe that stupid grin off your face. David Addison: This is the smartest grin I know. Banter from Moonlighting, which premiered on this date in 1985. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist must complete an important task in cooperation with an insufferable wiseass.

Mystery – March 4

“Some people don’t respond to civility.” -James Ellroy, born this date in 1948. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which someone goads your protagonist to violence.

Mystery – March 3

Charles Ponzi was born on this date in 1882. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist must explain to someone who refuses to understand that s/he has just lost all her/his money to a con man.

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