Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling
Currently Browsing: Journaling + Fiction

Journaling + Fiction – January 14

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”William Arthur Ward Journal prompt: Spend at least 20 minutes writing about the person in your life for whom you feel the most gratitide. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist misses a chance to express gratitude to a person who in the future will have great influence over your protagonist’s...

Journaling + Fiction – January 13

“Value judgments are destructive to our proper business, which is curiosity and awareness.”John Cage Journal prompt: Spend at least 20 minutes writing about an experience in which you were judged inaccurately or unfairly. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist is judged unfairly or inaccurately by a person in a position of authority.

Journaling + Fiction – January 12

“Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.”Victor Hugo Journal prompt: Spend at least 20 minutes writing about a time you had to choose between being good and being fair. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist is treated unjustly by a person doing good.

Journaling + Fiction – January 11

“To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day.”Winston Churchill Journal prompt: Reflect on your previous journal entries and spend at least 20 minutes writing about a time you caused or observed the destruction of another’s efforts. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist’s hard work is thoughtlessly...

Journaling + Fiction – January 10

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”William Shakespeare Journal prompt: Spend at least 20 minutes writing about a moment of need when you did not show sufficient kindness to yourself. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist’s kindness is repaid with hostility.

Journaling + Fiction – January 9

“What is to give light must endure burning.”Viktor Frankl Journal prompt: Spend at least 20 minutes writing about a project or subject about which you have not been sufficiently persistent. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist gives up too soon.

Journaling + Fiction – January 8

“If you can let go of passion and follow your curiosity, your curiosity just might lead you to your passion.”Elizabeth Gilbert Journal prompt: Spend at least 20 minutes writing about something you’re curious to explore more deeply. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist’s passion interferes with the curiosity needed to understand a situation accurately.

Journaling + Fiction – January 7

“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”Aristotle Journal prompt: Spend at least 20 minutes writing about a habit of yours that you worry is less than excellent. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist fails to practice a good habit s/he has adopted to replace a bad...

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