Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling

Bum Glue

In her craft book Write Away: One Novelist’s Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life, Elizabeth George spends an entire chapter on the value of what she calls “bum glue.” She defines it as that which keeps one’s bottom firmly attached to the chair in which one sits while writing. Although bum glue goes by many different names, the vast majority of successful authors confirm – or, at least, confess – it’s the...

Literary – February 22

“The longest absence is less perilous to love than the terrible trials of incessant proximity.” -Edna St. Vincent Millay, born this date in 1892. Writing prompt: Write a scene proving familiarity breeds contempt.

Big Questions – February 22

What topics are too personal for you to discuss with anyone else? Journaling prompt: Spend 15-20 minutes writing your answer in the spirit of exploring yourself and the world around you. If you can answer with a simple “yes” or “no,” explain the sources or implications of your response. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene that forces a character in your story to answer the question, or spend 15-20 minutes...

Journaling + Fiction – February 22

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”Winston Churchill Journal prompt: Reflect on your previous journal entries and spend at least 20 minutes writing about a situation in which your continued efforts counted. Fiction writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist is encouraged by people s/he considered allies to give up.

Romance – February 22

So obsessed with second bestNo rest you’ll ever find – Noël Coward in “Dance, Little Lady” from his play This Year of Grace, which premiered this date in 1928. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist’s obsession with being first causes more problems than the prize is worth.

Mystery – February 22

“If someone really interests you, you’ll learn about them yourself.” -Richard North Patterson, born this date in 1947, in his Edgar-award winning debut novel. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist sets out to learn about someone who really interests him/her after their first encounter.

SciFi/Fantasy – February 22

“As long as you have friends who have your back, you’ll be able to clear a path to the future without giving up.” – Nekomaru Nidai, born this date in 1990. Writing prompt: Write a scene in which your protagonist’s coach helps your protagonist break through to a new level of performance.

Secondary – February 22

Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, born on this date in 1892, once asked a friend to send good advice in a letter. “I promise not to follow it,” she said. What advice would you give a friend, and do you think s/he would follow it?

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