Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling


The single most important aspect of being a writer is writing. In our busy days and lives, with competing demands from work, family, community, reading and other entertainment options, and everything else, writing often – and understandably – is the easiest thing to put off until tomorrow.

And then tomorrow becomes the day after tomorrow.

The practice of writing every day is essential to create content as well as to improve as a writer. It’s also important as a psychological and emotional outlet – even if you’re writing for no one other than yourself, the simple act of writing each and every day is imperative.

Prompt Inspiration is dedicated to helping you with that discipline.

Every day, you’ll receive a writing prompt that will remind you of the importance of your devotion to daily practice at the same time it inspires you to make the time you need to write.

As more writers use Prompt Inspiration, I plan to expand both the prompts as well as the services available on the site. I can do that only if Prompt Inspiration delights you enough that you keep coming back for more, and encourage your writing colleagues to do the same. So sign up, and let me know how I can make the site more useful, more relevant, and more productive for you.

About David B. Schlosser

David B. Schlosser is an author of award-winning fiction and non-fiction, and an editor of award-winning fiction and non-fiction.

His fiction has appeared in Salon magazine and university literary journals.

His non-fiction and journalism have run in Business Today magazine, academic and scientific journals, multiple print and online news outlets, and a wide range of industry and trade publications.

He edited the 2003 memoir Through My Eyes by John Mora, which won the Latino Literary Hall of Fame’s Mariposa Award for the best first book by a Latino or Latina author. His monograph on self-revision and self-editing, The CT Method, is available in e-book formats through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBookstore, and other outlets.

© David Schlosser, 2011-13 | Designed and Developed by Umstattd Media